Jul 10

worlds fastest rc truck jumps house 180mph 200+ foot jump

Tag: Generaladmin @ 7:09 pm

worlds fastest rc truck jumps house 180mph 200+ foot jump.
Video Rating: 1 / 5

21 Responses to “worlds fastest rc truck jumps house 180mph 200+ foot jump”

  1. wolfblood1971 says:

    “worlds fastest rc truck jumps house 180mph 200+ foot jump”
    More like how do i start this !!!

  2. RCbug2008 says:

    Wtf is wrong with ppl

  3. MrMoodydog says:

    Gay as fuck

  4. luis ortega says:

    your car sucks

  5. charlie lewis says:

    Wow big jump

  6. Mike Leigh says:

    When I find you imma beat your ass

  7. gabriel pergantis says:

    this guy is going to destroy his valve and piston lmao

  8. RCKiddo71 says:

    AT First I was irritated but then I saw the humor in this Really Funny Dude…

    Haters go home!

  9. RCGamerGuy says:


  10. Joe Decker says:

    Ur an idot y would u even post that jerk

  11. Headhunter3212 says:

    Gas Rc trucks suck ass go to traxxas battery powers way better

  12. Hunter Newsom says:

    crappy vid cant believe i wasted my time here you suck danthemanauto

  13. Hunter Newsom says:

    shity vid cant believe i wasted my time here you suck balls danthemanauto

  14. justin rogers says:

    wooow my peice of shit nitro stampede would of started better than that

  15. Andre Crossley says:

    fuck u danthemanauto

  16. bribel13 says:


  17. BIGBANGPEGASIS94 says:


  18. jrtjohn1 says:


  19. Jbchawks says:

    That was awesome man thanks for posting……jackass

  20. James Clevenger says:


  21. jack druley says:

    that shits faker than niki minajas ass