Dec 13

Is my.18 RC Truck engine still ok?

Tag: Q&Aadmin @ 9:54 pm
rc truck
Viki asks:

I bought an 1/10 nitro Exceed RC truck in february. Then I busted a rear steering hub and didn’t fix it till like May. Then I was exited that it was fixed and i overheated the motor. I was running 15% with it leaned out when I should’ve run it 16% if I wanted it lean. I am going to buy engine cleaner and 16% fuel and get a better filter. Will it ever preform the same?

One Response to “Is my.18 RC Truck engine still ok?”

  1. Darius says:

    is this rc race 121 or emaxxx racer. and no it will not run cause you need da mexicans help