Sep 05

A FAST RC Truck!

Tag: RC vidsadmin @ 10:42 am
Annette asks: This is a fast 4WD truck . Sorry, you can’t have one, they are out of stock.

23 Responses to “A FAST RC Truck!”

  1. Willena says:

    my rc car goes 70 😉

  2. Anamaria says:

    what is this one called?

  3. Kesha says:

    @loco906foelyf Yes? Were you about to say something?

  4. Elton says:


  5. Barbra says:

    i have one its go in 80 km

  6. Stanford says:

    @flamingskull2516 Yeah the RC I have cost me $600 and it goes 50+ mph

  7. Caridad says:

    @flamingskull2516 that’s cheap man :/ lucky you.
    this isn’t a cheap hobby

  8. Tandra says:

    i tryed to get a fast battery powered truck like this but it was $100 dollars=(

  9. Madonna says:

    @fofo25909 hahahahahahahahahaha

  10. Britt says:

    battery is faster then nitro!

  11. Arnold says:

    to soft suspention! no handeling…

  12. Tania says:

    3:08……fat guy masturbating

  13. Johnson says:

    hey it says on the site they are 109.59 and u said like 50 bucks

  14. Dahlia says:

    I just heard about this how do I learn more

  15. Porter says:

    comment removed

  16. Dwayne says:


  17. Cary says:

    @tarantado2020 this is low quality actually. and it has average speed.
    there are ones that go 60 + mph
    and the asphalt cars go up to 112 mph

  18. Soon says:

    this is a exceed rc dynamite kind of a bad rc truck not horrible but not great
    it only has .7″ ground clearance And its really inbalanced from what i see in this vid

    whats sad is that A brushed traxxas tustler can go 40mph
    while you have to go brushless for this truck to go anywhere near that

    At the end did keith just say that his team associated is worse than his exceed rc?

  19. Joe says:

    this car uses premium gasoline XD

  20. Jenise says:

    gas is beter alot beter and more sexy

  21. Erwin says:

    i got on ur website and i was wondering if u make them or we have to make it and i saw pdf for all of ur items and i was wonderin what that meant

  22. Nelson says:

    Can u use a lipo on a rc car

  23. Carolina says:

    coll i still think hellocopters are better