Aug 03

How to Waterproof a RC Truck!!! NitroMad48

Tag: Generaladmin @ 3:08 pm

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23 Responses to “How to Waterproof a RC Truck!!! NitroMad48”

  1. jallen881 says:

    HPI Trophy 4.6 is waterproof but I wouldn’t trust it running through anything too deep

  2. Yochangelo says:

    @BlazeF420 you should rap the black tape with duck tape, it should make it last a lot longer

  3. qahtan505 says:

    What brand sealant did you use to seal the inside of the servo horn? Or if there are any other better brands you suggest.


  4. BlazeF420 says:

    black tape will only work for so long. tried it and within a week the tape was falling offi used spray silicone for boots works awesome

  5. RossRC1 says:

    how would i water proof my speed passion rs2 ???? electric

  6. TheLizarddude1 says:

    for soldered wires but water proof servos wrap wires in tape?

  7. Kyle Mcjimpson says:

    but how do you waterproof the carbarator

  8. cactasjr says:

    or just coat the insides with tape

  9. cactasjr says:

    could you just put tape around the wires and anything else that needs it donne

  10. 76893savage says:

    Is there any way you can waterproof the Savage flux hp?

  11. MrPopeofmaspeth says:

    Clumsy bastard.. Those rolls of electrical tape and servo screws can get a bit tricky… Oh yeah and hold the gear siren while you..oooops

  12. TheQueerhater says:

    how bout a new stampede ford f250

  13. Joshua Dunand says:

    Same as I did for this truck in the video.

  14. devinandtodd says:

    how do you water proof an exceed rc madstorm rc?

  15. TheLittl3M4n says:

    does it work for elecitrc trucks cuz im dieing to play with mine on the snow but i did it once and it did not start after i dryed it so does for electic trucks?

  16. Joshua Dunand says:

    Oh haha I thought you mean the electric start itself! No the jato itself definitely isn’t waterproof. You help make it water resistant but theres no way that a stock jato is wateproof. Sorry man.

  17. Joshua Dunand says:

    Yep dont worry about, there pretty much water proof. 😉

  18. Rick Van Horn says:

    thank you i am going to get a slayer pro 4×4 for Christmas

  19. Joshua Dunand says:

    Dont worry about it, those parts very rarely get affected by water.

  20. Rick Van Horn says:

    Cool thanks but what do i do for the traxxas ez starter motor and that stuff

  21. Joshua Dunand says:

    No you dont have to wrap the exhaust, only the engine to keep the heat in. Make sure though your engine never heats past 260-270F.

  22. gabe3366 says:

    so if i wrap my tmaxx servos and stuff in tape i should be fine for snow correct

  23. b4bb10 says:

    lol i can tell