Jul 16

RC ADVENTURES – SNOW PLOW – JUGGERNAUT (V-PLOW PRACTiCE) Custom Radio Control 6×6 Truck (Electric)

Tag: Generaladmin @ 5:17 am

http://www.RCSparks.com – This is my FiRST Time using the new Plow with the JUGGERNAUT – You Wanted it – You got it. Time to PLOW. Lets test the plow out on …

17 Responses to “RC ADVENTURES – SNOW PLOW – JUGGERNAUT (V-PLOW PRACTiCE) Custom Radio Control 6×6 Truck (Electric)”

  1. pererikxftwx says:

    That’s What She Said

  2. dbyar1 says:

    Juger not

  3. dbyar1 says:

    Can u order a huger not

  4. MrKingTanner says:

    Thats the fun way of clearing of your deck…

  5. TBudin44 says:

    what did you make the stacks out of?

  6. JaminatorRobot says:

    I want so an truck to

  7. Warmonger Leet says:

    Wife: “Honey go shovel off the porch.”
    Husband: “Ok :D”

  8. danielBmxrider says:

    That’s what she said :)

  9. Shannon Nicole says:

    all of these damn rc videos have misleading thumbnails. they look so real o-o

  10. riel gallant says:

    Nice I like the tracks lol

  11. Peter Cauble says:

    that’s what she thought

  12. djmedic2008 says:

    That’s What She Said

  13. krookedasfuck says:


  14. djmedic2008 says:

    it is a real one.. just small

  15. Filip Tjädermo says:

    I thought it was an real one… :(

  16. FreshMusic24 says:

    Do you live in Canada 😀 ?

  17. maurice291998 says:

    What a fuck?! 😀