Oct 17

rc cat loader loading rc truck

Tag: RC vidsadmin @ 8:42 pm
Audria asks:

rc cat loader loading rc truck

16 Responses to “rc cat loader loading rc truck”

  1. Anisha says:

    fucking awesome….i have to buy it

  2. Arden says:

    Hello good evening, please find one of those where to buy

  3. Corrinne says:

    its called a track type-loader people use them all the time in real life

  4. Chasity says:

    i seen better drivers then that rub

  5. Clement says:

    wow bellisimo il video e pure il modello

  6. Margo says:

    A lot are custom made, but Tamiya make a couple of trucks like the one its loading.

  7. Lurlene says:

    where can i get 1 of those?

  8. Milissa says:

    e bè! mancava solo il camion carico di tronchi alla fine!! ahaha molto realistico! 5/5

  9. Amira says:

    would be nice to see little more effort with a working 4 in 1, and a decent opperator!

  10. Delorse says:

    where did u get that and how much

  11. Tama says:

    It’s actually like a bulldozer and a loader put-together!

  12. Susann says:

    great power the bulldozer

  13. Ta says:

    hey where did you buy that at

  14. Annita says:

    great video,where did you get the dozer from?

  15. Dominque says:

    falta de serviço

  16. Tequila says:

    can tou tell me where to get one of those ..and what brand it is?? thanks