Oct 08

RC truck racing wny 2007

Tag: RC vidsadmin @ 12:08 pm
Cynthia asks:

attempt one at a rc racetrack in the back of my house. Designed and built in two long days. Bigger and better track coming in spring 2008

11 Responses to “RC truck racing wny 2007”

  1. Judson says:

    Blue makes good tackles

  2. Krystal says:

    Thinking about getting into this hobby, is it worth the money? These videos are sweet, I have a friend that does this, he loves it. I need a new rush………..HAMBONE

  3. Nohemi says:

    the tracks cool but if u add bigger jumps it will make it even cooler

  4. Esmeralda says:

    i would get a hyper7 buggy thats what i got there fast too

  5. Carmelo says:

    It took 2 days, 3 people, and a small ford tractor to make it.

  6. Delma says:

    dude thats pro

  7. Amira says:

    hey get a RUSTLER 2.5 OR 2.5R nice buggy and lots of upgrads

  8. Librada says:

    It only took u 2 days to build that track?! Thats sweet

  9. Golda says:

    im looking for a good starter truck that is good to start with and has good upgrades my price range is from 100-250 any suggestions are helpful thanx

  10. Milton says:

    Hey big ups!!!!to u guys for putting up a nice video and track and the drivers are pretty good.The trucks was tight too but yall gotta throw a MGT in there somewhere.lol

  11. Mickey says:

    That savage was looking pretty good. He must be a good driver.