Sep 27

Gravedigger RC Truck

Tag: RC vidsadmin @ 2:30 pm
Chasity asks:

More Videos @ RC Car Action Magazine Editor Kevin Hetmanski shows his custom built Gravedigger truck which goes to the Free Style winner at the 2008 No Limit RC World Finals.

24 Responses to “Gravedigger RC Truck”

  1. Lorene says:

    @six133 its a tsias pipe

  2. Roxann says:

    plaes tell me what type of pipe you are use on this truck and is there one that could fit on a t maxx 3.3???

  3. Maybell says:

    ha . ha . u did all that i got mine at toys r us lol.

  4. Corine says:

    hey there

    im buying a rc truggy for the first time every!

    please can i have some help with what not to do to it and some good tips on how to keep it in good condition

    thanks :)

  5. Geoffrey says:

    gas engine so cool , how much is it ? and where I can get it

  6. Travis says:

    cant you just give it to me instead

  7. Rebeca says:

    can you sit in it?

  8. Veronica says:

    that is so cool

  9. Alphonso says:

    @skater4life2442 chassis you mean?

  10. Allison says:

    ha ha cool 😀

  11. Jeffie says:

    gravedigger is the bomb….BOOOM

  12. Kyong says:

    if you wanted to make one you could get a monster truck chassy and a clear truck body that looks like grave digger and get one of the cheap hot weel grave digger trucks and paint the truck body that way if you wanted you could make a eletric one eletric trucks are simple to make or you could buy an eletric chassy eletric is normally cheap

  13. Isaura says:

    where can I get one, and how much does it cost?

  14. Freeman says:

    thats y u learn

  15. Keiko says:

    @charg2456 umm, its the car hes using in the vid, but with a ahrdcore brushless motor. not truely sure if your in to the hoby but you can go to a hobbyshop and buy that car or any monster truck and buy an unpainted body and design the grave digger thingy.

  16. Miguel says:

    well id be afraid to b/c idk anything about it

  17. Serina says:

    @charg2456 umm, you can make 1 just get a savage flux and custom paint your body like this guy and there it is….i guess.

  18. Rosendo says:

    message me anyone is there a electric grave digger anywhere?

  19. Michael says:

    The INTEGY Aluminum just bends!

  20. Winston says:

    Don’t waste your money on aluminum parts. Chances are RPM has parts for your car and would be a far better option. As for shock the integy ones are terrible as with all the products they have. STAY AWAY!!!

  21. Wesley says:

    losi should come out with a line of micro monster truck bodies
    i really want the micro desert truck but with a grave digger bodie

  22. Amparo says:

    i was confused because he said he made it but ive seen a hot wheels one that looks the same,but i think its still prity cool,it actualy is better than the ho wheels one!

  23. Terresa says:

    i won summet similar in a competition … It bloody rocks

  24. Alessandra says:

    I want that truck.