Dec 05

Nikko RC Truck On Board Cam

Tag: Generaladmin @ 3:15 am

A Nikko Rc Monster truck with an on board cam and overview Song: Tubular bells part 1.
Video Rating: 3 / 5

14 Responses to “Nikko RC Truck On Board Cam”

  1. Hubert Tomulczuk says:

    i dont liike the colors i prefer just black one

  2. Justin Richardson says:


  3. Will Kennedy says:

    @cparty89 I have dug out the manual. It says it is 1/10 scale, but in the
    ‘features’ part it only says things abot the suspension, tires and the
    controller sorry :(

  4. hispeed1985 says:

    the best one I owned when I was younger

  5. monsterjamrace says:

    very nice man nice truck 😉

  6. LeGlod says:

    Need more speed 😉

  7. FURY1958 says:

    Where I can get one of these trucks (I don’t care if its second hand) to
    restore mine “Big Dude” that it’s stopped since 1996 due to breakdown?

  8. Hubert Tomulczuk says:

    nikko scorpion scale 1/10

  9. hispeed1985 says:

    I still have the body off my old one. use to be called the scorpion in the
    mid 90s and was yellow with chrome rims. drove it so much that the front
    wheels eat into the spindles and would not let the wheels turn no more.
    transplanted the body onto a r/c car frame

  10. Will Kennedy says:

    I got this at a market in the uk, fakenham in northfolk to be precise. Its
    pretty good!

  11. theheadacher says:

    @cparty89 I took mine apart, to find out just that (for me, not because I’m
    so kind XD): It’s a RS540SH engine, most likely the 7.2 volt version. Make
    sure you get the right voltage motor, because there’s also a 4.8V, a 6.0V
    and a 9.6V version.

  12. BarryKunz64 says:

    wow!,,, I hope y’all don’t wear those shoes out in public.

  13. cparty89 says:

    I have the same truck. Do you know exactly what model is this, scale. I
    want to buy new engine for it because the old one has died :p

  14. whoohaaXL says:

    @hispeed1985 Yeah son! I had a scorpion too, I’d charge a 9.6V a tuck it
    under the shell (It originally used a 7.2) and that thing hauled ass.